F.P.O.R.: Solaris
Federation Planetary Observation Report: Universe Section 7
Galaxy 29, System 12, Planet 3
Self-Designation: Solaris Status: Isolated Population: Terrestrian
Observation Notes:
History and Habitation
Planet houses a surprisingly advanced group of isolated Terrestrians that are both aware of their status as Terrestrians and speak the common language yet remain unaware of the presence of other inhabited planets. Their recorded history dates back approximately 12,000 years by their dating system, which translates to 15,000 in Federation time as their stellar cycle lasts 450 days at 24 hours per day. The planet was likely colonized initially by a Union Isolation Group and was successful in their technological degeneration as no remnants have been discovered or archived. Most of the population lives on the continental mainland while others are settled along a series of island nations scattered across a great ocean. The oblong orbit of the planet and the presence of a second moon has caused an uneven climate split resulting in the northernmost part of the planet being excessively hot, while the southernmost areas are alarmingly cold. The planet is also affected by a seasonal dysrhythmia causing a second winter season.
Important: Planetary population does contain meta-humans of varying ranks, including S-Ranked Metas. See F.A.C.E. Guide for clarification.
Technology and Governing Bodies
Planet exhibits signs of post-modernization through the advancement of cross continental transportation and communication as well as anti-meta weaponry. Despite technological advancements, the larger cities suffer from expansive homeless populations and infrastructural collapse with a highly active criminal subculture. The established government of the mainland resembles that of the Union, with a secretly elected or chosen Council providing oversight. The general population seems dissatisfied with said government as indicated by recent revolts to overthrow a previous establishment. Planet also has a surprising lack of a space-based program and has no defense system in place.
Important: Planetary inhabitants have recorded contact with Demon race and some familiarity with Magic.
Colonization Status and Recommendation:
Planet is habitable with a favorable environment. Its lack of a defense system would likely yield an easy hostile takeover despite the presence of an active, albeit oppressed, meta population. However, potential status as an active Union colony alongside the known interaction with Demons make this a poor target for hostile tactics. Potential status as an outreach colony is favorable and recommended.