The Siren's Song

The Siren sat upon her favorite perch, and watched from a distance as society grew.
This was not the first society, this much she certainly knew.
She did not care for the first one, it was droll and made not for a pleasant view.
The second society caught her eye, and she bore witness as it was built anew.

The society filled with life and wonderous little things grew within.
The Siren watched in awe and pondered, "what made it all begin?"

She leaned in close to see what she could not observe from afar.
"Surely there must be a good reason for something so bizarre?"

Those wonderous little things, they were ever flowing with joy.
And she saw a young maiden, searching for someone to annoy.
Her eyes swept back and forth until they came to rest on a boy.
Her arm went forth and he came up, he was now part of her ploy.

They held hands for the night and in each other’s arms they began to sway.
The Siren found a new enjoyment in life and watched day after day.

It was these small moments, the Siren learned to cherish.
Her heart was surely broken, as the society began to perish.

A thunderous and fiery boom came knocking, again and again.
Those booms knocked and knocked, until no one was left within.

The knocking was finished and tears rolled down the Siren’s face.
And the Siren’s song sang solemnly into the serene and silent space.

The Siren sat upon her favorite perch, and watched from a distance as society grew.
This was not the first society, this much she certainly knew.
This society was big, bold, and beautiful; perfectly within her longing view.
The third society caught her eye, and she bore witness as it to was built anew.

The wonderous little things, they danced, they sang, they drank, and they ate.
To see them filled with such a familiar joy, gave the Siren cause to celebrate.

She watched them work, she watched them laugh, and she watched them live.
She sat upon her perch from such a far distance, and thought of a gift to give.

She swam down into the water, deeper than most would know.
She washed and prepared herself to the point that she could glow.
Her plan was to leave her pond for a place she never thought to go.
She swam up as fast as she could, excited to put on a little show.

She climbed on her perch and began weeping with haste.
Her newly beloved society, had already been laid to waste.

She thought, "what kind of evil would hurt such a wonderful place?"
And the Siren’s song sang solemnly into the serene and silent space.

The Siren sat upon her solemn perch, and watched from a distance as society grew.
This would not be the last society, this much she certainly knew.
The cycle repeated on and on; looping without an end was what it seemed to do.
This new society would be the one she always thought, but it was never true.

The fourth, the fifth, she counted them as they seemed destined to fall.
The sixth, the seventh, "let this one last!" Into the night's she would call.
The eighth, the ninth, she saw them rise but it did not take long at all.
The tenth never came, even as she wept down in her watery hall.

She looked on, and the wonderous little things were gone without a trace.
But the Sirens song was not sang solemnly into the serene and silent space.